Our Vision

Nourished lives.



Homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities in our communities live nourished lives with independence and dignity.


Meals on Wheels of Loveland and Berthoud seeks to nourish and enrich the lives of homebound individuals by providing nutritious meals and daily contact by a caring volunteer.



The first Meals on Wheels program was established in England during WWII and by 1957 had spread to the U.S. In January 1968, Meals on Wheels of Loveland and Berthoud became the first home-delivery meal service program established west of the Mississippi River. Our organization's conception was a collaborative, community effort led by local Red Cross volunteer, Dorothy Morin, and philanthropist, Helen Erion and other individuals concerned with the need for good nutrition and socialization for the homebound.

On that January day, we prepared and delivered 12 meals out of the local Elks Club kitchen. Today, we operate out of our own site with a commercial grade kitchen, and prepare over 63,000 meals annually for homebound clients and 25,665 meals to homeless and low-income community members. 2017 marks our 49th year of serving communities in Southern Larimer County.


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