Appreciating Those Who Power Our Progress!
Volunteers are the backbone of many organizations, and Meals on Wheels is no different!
Our volunteers selflessly give their time, energy, resources, and miles to help our aging and homebound neighbors, without any expectation of reward or recogntion. That is why we believe it is cruicial to lift them up and show them just how much they are valued and how much their contributions mean to our organization!
The Meals on Wheels windows have been adorned with volunteer adoring artwork painted by Cindy Kittinger from Art2ya
While we could never thank them enough for all that they do, we are offering small tokens of gratitude throughout this annual Volunteer Appreciation Week.
Each one of our volunteers will receive a goodie bag full of candy, lotion, notes of thanks, and a gift card for services at Breeze Thru Car Wash, one of our generous mission partners!
One of our dedicated volunteers, Ron, receiving his Volunteer Appreciation Gift Bag from Sally, our Client and Volunteer Specialist.
Meals on Wheels volutneers are amazing! Their selfless commitment to our cause has made an enormous impact on the livees of those we serve. It is because of their tireless efforts that we have been able to reach so many people and make a real difference in their lives and our community. They are the best Ambassadors for our cause!
Whether they are helping in the kitchen, loading up meal trays and meal packs, or driving and delivering meals to all of our clients, they are powering our success and reach. They are our eyes and ears, and boots on the ground, forging that strong connection between the most at-risk in our communities and the resources they rely on to live independently and happy.
Becoming a Meals on Wheels volunteer is easy (and fun)!
Complete a Volunteer Application through our online portal here. Meals on Wheels provides volunteer opportunities in three different areas of need to our home-bound clients: Meal Delivery Volunteers - Regular and Substitute Drivers, Kitchen Volunteers, and Community Outreach & Special Event Volunteers. In addition to these volunteer opportunities, Meals on Wheels is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. For more information about our board or various committee positions, please contact us.